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Arth Nivesh

Single Page Website

Client:  Arth Nivesh   

Project:  Single Page Website Design

Project Duration:  3Weeks

Tools:  Adobe Photoshop, Wix Web Based Design Platform

Role:  UX-UI Designer

- Benjamin Graham

Financial consultants look at the whole picture of a their client's financial life, including debts, assets, expenses and income, to help their clients determine what those goals should be. Financial consultants who may also manage their clients' investments, provide required guidance to personal financing.

Financial consultant reached out with a need of a website and also to provide guidance in increasing sales. Financial consultant mentioned about his routine, interaction with customer and his marketing channels and the current situation. His only way to reach out to people is through Facebook promotions. Only few responses. Conversion doesn't happen. Those few ask for website URL. So website was a must for him. 


We insisted for a one page design after analyzing the over all requirement, timeline and budget. Also proposed social media page setup and guidance on creating promotions. Couple of design options were provided and based on the feedback and few iterations we were able to complete project in a two weeks of time.

As part of marketing strategy, guidance were given in terms of creating promotions / Posters and Videos and running paid campaigns to increase the reach. In a matter of one month almost 100+ Leads (Through Paid Promotions + Ads), 5 Conversion and 20 Lakhs of investment was done.


Week 1

We started with requirement discussion and gathered information on what services and products to be displayed in the website. We also analyzed their Facebook page, knowledge on tools and Facebook features that the consultant aware of. Considering that our customer is well known, it made our interaction more comfortable. We did analyze other financial websites and suggested customer on what content to be shown. We also discussed about user journey and sketched out different touch point and stages on how we can build trust and convert users. We also made a list of what kind of financial services they are looking for? 

Week 2

We finalized the website name as "Arth (Meaningful) Nivesh (Investment)". It is believed that meaning full investment can help one grow and have better financial stability. I started with persona and a user journey. 


When users are in need, They begin with research, they start looking for more information, they start exploring...

As part of their journey, they access information through different digital channels, search, social media, direct mail and word of mouth. Below flow depict how user look for financial information and reach to website for more information. 


Week 3

Created Design Options

When user come to website through search or by clicking promotions, website should communicate and engage and guide user and provide relevant content. During website design  it is important to keep 4 key principle in mind. Attract, Engage, Propose, and Build Trust. 

Attract - Big Heading, Hero Image grab user attention.

Engage - Having relevant content that the users are looking for would be one way to engage user and at the same time possibility of users spending some time in the website is more.

Build Trust - As user scroll through content. He keeps thinking about the next step. Showing testimonials would help user to make firm decision and buy service.

Visual Screens

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